The Bright Sky in Golden Times

What does bright sky in golden times mean? It’s almost winter time and the frost is near. But, we have not yet forgotten our summer memories by shedding our tears. Aren’t we all in the spring and summer times, thinking about how we are spending our dimes. Love is great, love is unique; however, love for our breezy season is chique. Won’t you love to frolic in the open and admire the encaustic children? Well, come on then. Read on like a felt tip of a pen.
Let there be light,
To make the sky bright,
Let there be love,
Come on, let’s find our dove.
The sky is blue, the day is new
And the grass is dancing with morning dew,
Butterflies sing such sweet rhymes,
Oh, how we miss these golden times.
Summer is long gone,
But, hey that’s when I was born,
Where is the present breeze now?
How about singing a song now?
“Ra ra ra, where thou Jay?
Don’t you think it is a wonderful day?
Come near and sing this song with me,
Ra ra ra, let us both be free.
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