Hello Seattle!

Seattle Seattle, Love You Seattle!

The Seattle Skyline!

Hello from Seattle! The sun is glorious and I love the sun! So does the Space Needle ~ the monument of Seattle! The Space Needle also says “Hieee!”. The Seattle Skyline is magical!! Have a look!! Seattle is north of California in the Washington State of the USA. Please don’t confuse with Washington D.C. as the latter is the Capital City of the USA & the former is one of the 50 states of the USA. Seattle is home to the HQ of Microsoft & has Google North American HQ. I love Seattle & Seattle loves me back too! Love the photographs? I have taken it myself with my Camera! Find the Top 10 Cameras to click great photographs, from Amazon!

TRIVIA # 1: Sleepless in Seattle Hollywood Movie was based in Seattle, WA only.

The Train (Link Train) Ride to the City

After landing in the Seattle Airport, commonly known as “Seattle – Tacoma International Airport” or in short, “Sea-Tac” Airport, I moved to the city via the “Link Train”. I had purchased an “Okra Card/Metro Card/Train Card” and recharged it with a couple of dollars. The Train ride was quick and scenic!

Also Read: Seattle Museum of Flight

How to look for a Hotel? In Seattle? It’s easy!

Checkout “Hotels Combined” Below!

The Space Needle Tower ~ Main Attraction of Seattle (Washington)

Me below the Tower!

The Space Needle is the most prominent places of interest that each tourist would visit. I wanted to visit it first when I reached Seattle. Our Zostel was within walking distance from the location. This monument is located adjacent to a science center and aquarium. The aquarium was closed for renovations, so I couldn’t visit then. But, roamed around major places. I even found the sign of ‘FLASH’ @ Seattle along with Aboriginal Structures ~ all can be seen in my next set of photographs!

Me with Flash!
Me with the Aboriginal Structure!

TRIVIA # 2: The 50 Shades of Grey Novel is based in Seattle City only! Read away! 🙂

TRIVIA # 3: The First ever Starbucks Coffee Chain started in Seattle itself! Starbucks is a Seattle Brand! (Photo coming up!)

The 1st Starbucks Cafe Opened in Seattle!

Also Read: Ever Visited San Francisco?

Let’s roam in the Fun Part of the City ~ The Pier, Games & Beach Area!

The skyline! Gleaming one indeed!
The Ferris Wheel in Between!
Take A Bow!! P.S. That was my food!! Ha Ha Ha!

East or West? Only Seattle is the Best! The Center of the Universe!

The Center of the Universe sign near our Loft!

A troll under the bridge! Did I scare you?

Hello Seattle!
It freaked me out for sure!!

So, ready to fly? Want to go to Alaska?? Catch the below Alaskan Air from Sea-Tac Airport! I shall go soon! One day! One day! Next Stop: MUSEUM OF FLIGHT, Seattle