Many of us travel a lot from one hub to the other. We plan our destinations and our stay as part of our vacation package. But, what we overlook are the mistakes that we unintentionally make. These mistakes come forth with experience, upon which we act and resolve them for our future travels. As you read on, you will come across the travel mistakes to avoid at all costs, and can be corrected before you undertake a journey – a long haul or a short one! Keep reading!
Mistake 1: Not checking websites for cheap air tickets
For those who are new to booking cheap air travel tickets, please research and compare all websites that offer cheap flight tickets. Some websites may have expensive tickets, whereas some will have the cheapest tickets that you are looking for. Bingo, you will purchase them! Don’t fall for the expensive ones, even though you might find them cheaper elsewhere. It is one of the travel mistakes to avoid. As per my personal experience, I compared many websites and chose the cheapest flight fares from the website that also offered extra cashback. Major banks are partnered with travel booking websites to help travelers book their flights at a discounted price. Customer retention is what these ticket websites focus on.
Mistake 2: Not clearing cookies from previously visited ticket websites
Another mistake is not clearing cookies from previously visited ticket websites. You may not believe me, but cookies actually surge up the prices when you re-visit the same websites to search for cheap flight tickets. Cookies are packets of data that record your online journey and user behavior (likes, interests, disinterests, affinities, purchases, time on each website), eventually hinting to the website that you are a returning user and you would be alright to increased prices. I have also mentioned the same in my article “How to book cheap flights“.
Mistake 3: Check-in before you reach the airport
How do you check in before you reach the airport? It’s called a Pre-Checkin. You check-in 24 hours prior to your departure with a click on your phone. Isn’t that cool? It’s totally cool! Checking in before saves you time to reach the airport on time. Otherwise, you have to rush three hours before to check-in physically for a flight, or even 2 hours before the departure of a domestic flight. You just need to have the app of the airline installed, and check in as soon as you receive a notification to do so. Or, you can check in before via your email.
Mistake 4: Keep your eyes on the departure screens in the airport
Oh yes, be vigilant. Be extremely alert, and follow the flight departure screens. You never know when the boarding gate changes. These changes can be very unpredictable if you don’t pay attention to the airport announcements, and especially to the departure screens displaying the change of gates. I almost missed my flights thrice because of my ignorance. Avoid this mistake at all costs, else you will be stranded and will not make it for your flight.
Mistake 5: Avoid Food Poisoning in the flight
Don’t just hog food off a flight. It is a mistake in a flight en route to avoid. Carefully choose your menu and then eat delicately. Enjoy the view out of the window, even when it is night. Eating fast on a flight may not be well for you. You might not even enjoy the flight. So, avoid being food poisoned. The views out of the window are equally pleasant and heart-warming.
Now, are you ready to book your cheap flights and travel somewhere exciting?