Hot Chocolate in Winters
Craving hot choc? I certainly am! It’s freaking cold! It’s quite interesting how I came up with this topic for my article blog. Come close & listen up! All eyes on board! Keep your quilt nearby to tuck you in the harsh winters (I am feeling the chills already as I type but luckily the Hot Chocolate is keeping me warm and I am sipping it as I speak to you). Such a cozy feeling! Hot chocolate & I, a companion to keep my inner soul alive (quite literally ‘coz I am drinking it twice or thrice a day)! Honestly writing, it has kept me away from coffee for a good time as being a coffee addict is bad as well ‘coz you will experience daily headaches and nausea if you don’t consume them daily, which I was experiencing earlier. Even in your international and domestic travels, how would you feel sipping a warm cup in the mountains or super early in the morning? Great right? I always was craving hot chocolate all this while and never had found anything good until I came across “TIGGLE”. Anuva, Tiggle’s Founder has really done a great job at it!

Coming to how I started this article, it came upon me how to keep warm in Winters. In my previous poetic article, I had written that with just the thought of the Spring Season, you will feel warm. Another thought is of how ‘Hot Chocolate’ as a hot beverage can keep you warm and your minds alive! Trust me, with hot chocolate, you smile. And with @thetiggle_ hot chocolate range, you feel extra special. They have formulated one of the best hot chocolates in the world (and ranking top of my hot chocolate list)! The formula is magical! Kudos to Anuva and her team for bringing such a nice hot chocolate concept “TIGGLE” (for me, it is like tingling your inner cravings & in reality, I crave it more than once in a day!). I have tried many from different countries, including Tim Horton’s of Canada! Either I found them too sweet or too coarse to even consume completely. But, @thetiggle_‘s hot choc or hot cocoa is one of the best I have tried! Just the right mix for me ~ not too sweet and not too coarse! I bet you haven’t tried! I am almost finished with my hot chocolate and will replenish more! After all, it’s the holiday season, and Christmas is near! Even new years! Why don’t you gift @thetiggle‘s hot choc to your loved ones or even can play the role of a Secret Santa! It’s really yummy! You all should definitely try it! They are priced very reasonably! 1 packet of Tiggle Hot Chocolate serves approximately 10 cups (but can serve more depending on the volume of intake of the hot choc powder).

Also Read: The Bright Sky
Also Read: The Himalayan Journey
In the occasion of tingling my inner chocolate desires, I have come up with a poem for all of you:
A Hot Chocolate that you cannot resist!
Dear o Dear why can’t we keep warm?
O’ I just wish to be on a sunny farm!
Relaxing in layers with jackets and sweaters,
How can else I keep better?
My thoughts wander to that wintery night,
Where the night was a black without any light,
My heart speaks to me in an impulsive way,
“Could you please share with us some hot chocs on a tray?”
Of all the values I have been taught,
Keeping warm is one of the lots!
With the only thought of a hot chocolate,
Accompanied with starters on a steaming plate!